about the market
The Caledonia Farmers' Market Association (CFMA) is a non-profit organization that has been in existence since 1972. The association is governed by a 4 to 7 member board of directors elected by the vendor membership. The directors serve (staggered) 3 year terms.
The current 2022 board members are (2023 coming 4/20/2023):
President: Elizabeth Everts
Vice President: Mary Skovsted
Secretary: Melanie Miller
Ken Mundinger
Derrick Samuels
Koren Warden
Other Positions:
Accountant/Treasurer: Shellie Samuels
Market Manager: Nick Heltzel
Media Management: Chelsea Hewitt
The day to day management is handled by Nick Heltzel you can contact him at cfmamanager@gmail.com
Any bills should be addressed to CFMA, c/o Shellie Samuels. Address coming soon, in the mean time reach out to us at cfmamanager@gmail.com